Tuesday 26 June 2012

SAT Vocabulary List

SAT Vocabulary List


Word list 01

Group 1

Bigotnarrow-minded, prejudiced person
Counterfeitfake; false
Enfranchisegive voting rights
Hamperhinder; obstruct
Kindleto start a fire
Noxiousharmful; poisonous; lethal
Placidcalm; peaceful
Remunerationpayment for work done
Talismanlucky charm

Group 2

Abrasiverough; coarse; harsh
Bilkcheat; defraud
Coverthidden; undercover
Hangarstorage area (like garage) for a plane
Knottycomplex; difficult to solve
Nuancesomething subtle; a fine shade of meaning
Plagiarismtaking credit for someone else's writing or ideas
Tangentgoing off the main subject

Group 3

Abasementhumiliation; degradation
Billowingswelling; fluttering; waving
Cowerrecoil in fear or servility; shrink away from
Enhanceimprove; make better or clearer
Haranguenoisy, attacking speech
Labyrintha maze
Nullifyto counter; make unimportant
Plaintiffpetitioner (in court of law)
Tangiblecan be touched

Group 4

Abrogatecancel; deny; repeal
Blasphemyspeech which offends religious sentiments
Enigmapuzzle; mystery
Harbingersindicators; bringers of warnings
Labyrinthinecomplicated; highly convoluted
Nuzzlecuddle; snuggle
Plauditstatement giving strong praise
Reprehensibleshameful; very bad
Tardyslow; late; overdue; delayed

Group 5

Absolutionforgiveness; pardon; release
Ensconceestablish firmly in a position
Hastenhurry; accelerate; rush
Lacerationa cut
Plausiblecan be believed; reasonable
Reprievea respite; postponement of a sentence
Tawdryof little value; gaudy

Group 6

Abstaindesist; go without; withdraw
Blighteddamaged; destroyed; ruined
Credulousgullible; ready to believe anything
Haughtinessarrogance; pride
Lachrymosetearful; sad
Obfuscatedeliberately make something difficult to understand
Plethoraan excess
Repudiateshun; eschew

Group 7

Abstemiousself denying; refraining from indulging
Blithefree-spirited; carefree
Crepuscularactive at dawn and dusk
Enunciationclear pronunciation; accent; articulation
Headstrongstubborn; willful
Lacklusterdull; monotonous; bland
Objectiveunbiased; not subjective
Pliableflexible; not stubborn
Rescindretract; repeal
Temperto moderate; soften

Group 8

Abstrusedifficult to understand; obscure
Blunderbuss1. ancient weapon (type of gun); 2. a clumsy person
Cringerecoil; flinch; shy away
Envenomto cause bitterness and bad feeling
Hedonismself indulgence; pleasure-seeking
Laconicusing few words; brief; to the point
Obliqueindirect; slanting
Plumagefeathers of a bird
Resignationacceptance of fate
Tenaciousstubborn; resolute; holding firm to a purpose

Group 9

Accoladetribute; honor; praise
Bolstersupport; prop up
Crypticpuzzling; enigmatic
Hedonista pleasure seeker
Lamentationexpression of regret or sorrow
Obliteratedestroy; demolish; eradicate
Plummetfall suddenly and steeply
Tentativenot certain

Group 10

Acquiesceto agree to; give in to
Bombastarrogant, pompous language
Curtailcut short
Epicuresomeone who appreciates good food and drink
Heedlisten to
Lampoonridicule; spoof
Oblivioustotally unaware
Podiumraised platform
Tenuousflimsy; not solid

Word list 02

Group 1

Acridsharp; pungent (used of smells and tastes)
Cynicalbelieving that people act only out of selfish motives
Epistlea letter (form of communication)
Heresyagainst orthodox opinion
Lancespear; spike; javelin
Obscuredifficult to understand; partially hidden
Poignantdeeply moving; strongly affecting the emotions
Respitea break; intermission
Terseconcise; to the point
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Group 2

Acrophobiafear of heights
Bourgeoismiddle class
Debilityweakness; incapacity
Epistolaryconcerned with letters; through correspondence
Hiatusinterruption; pause
Languidtired; slow
Obscuredhidden; covered; buried
Poisedcalm; collected; self-possessed
Resplendentshining; glowing
Therapeuticmedicinal; curative
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Group 3

Acuitysharpness (mental or visual)
Braggartsomeone who boasts
Debunkingexposing false claims or myths
Epitomizedtypified; characterized; personified
Hideboundrigid in opinions
Languishdecay; fade away; get weaker
Obsequiousservile; submissive
Polemicalcausing debate or argument
Restorativea tonic
Thwartprevent; frustrate
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Group 4

Adamantforceful; inflexible
Decathlonan athletic competition with ten events
Equivocatespeak ambiguously; avoid telling the truth
Hieroglyphics1. picture writing; 2. writing which is difficult to read or enigmatic
Larcenytheft; robbery; stealing
Obsessiona dominating concern
Ponderousweighty; slow and heavy
Retentionpreservation; withholding
Timorouscowardly; fearful
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Group 5

Brevitybeing brief
Decorumdignified, correct behavior [decorous (a)]
Errmake a mistake
Obsoleteno longer valid
Pontificatespeak pompously or dogmatically
Reticentrestrained; holding something back; uncommunicative
Tiradestream of verbal abuse
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Group 6

Adulationstrong admiration; worship
Bristleto show irritation
Decoylure; trap; trick
Erraticwandering; irregular
Histrionictheatrical; exaggerated
Obstreperousnoisy and boisterous
Retractionwithdrawal; cancellation of a statement
Tittergiggle quietly
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Group 7

Broachstart to discuss; approach
Esotericobscure and difficult to understand
Lavishon a grand scale; wasteful
Obtusementally dull
Portenta warning sign; omen
Tomelarge book
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Group 8

Brusqueblunt; abrupt
Defoliatecause leaves to fall off
Espousepromote; take up; support
Honesharpen; increase; whet
Laxcareless; not strict
Obviateavoid; make unnecessary
Poseursomeone who puts on an act
Riddledfull of (usually full of holes)
Torpidinactive; lazy; stagnant
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Group 9

Aestheticconcerning art or beauty
Bulwarkfortification; barricade; wall
Defunctno longer in existence
Etymologythe study of word origins
Hyperbolegrossly exaggerated speech
Legend1. key to map; 2. myth or story
Posterityfuture generations
Torpordormancy; sluggishness; inactivity
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Group 10

Affablefriendly; social; easygoing
Degradationdeprivation; poverty; debasement
Hypochondriaca person obsessed with health; having imaginary illnesses
Legionin large numbers
Officiousdomineering; intrusive; meddlesome
Posthumousafter death
Totterwalk unsteadily

Word list 03

Group 1

Alacrityeagerness; enthusiasm; quickness
Burgeongrow; flourish; put forth new shoots
Euphemisma polite phrase to cover something unpleasant
Lethargictired; without energy
Oglestare at; observe in an obvious manner
Postulatehypothesize; propose
Robuststrong; healthy; tough
Tractableobedient; dutiful; polite
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Group 2

Alchemymedieval chemistry; attempt to change base metal into gold
Deliberateto think over deeply
Euphonypleasant sounds
Iconoclastperson who opposes orthodoxy
Levityflippancy; joking about serious matters
Olfactoryconcerned with the sense of smell
Potablesuitable for drinking
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Group 3

Alibian excuse that shows someone was not at a crime scene
Buttressstrengthen; support
Delineationdemarcation; explanation; definition; outlining
Evacuatevacate; empty; abandon
Idiosyncrasya personal peculiarity; something unique to an individual
Libertariansomeone who opposes tyranny
Potentpowerful; compelling; strong
Ruminatethink over something; ponder
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Group 4

Allayto lessen
Bylinethe line that tells you who wrote an article
Demurhesitate; refuse
Exacerbatemake worse
Linimentsoothing lotion
Rusetrick; stratagem
Transgressgo astray; disobey; commit a sin
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Group 5

Alleviatemake less severe
Cacophonydiscordant loud noises
Denouncecondemn; speak out against
Exasperatedfrustrated; annoyed
Ignominyshame [ignominious (a) = shameful]
Litheflexible; supple
Pragmatistpractical person; one who is concerned with usefulness
Saccharinfalsely sweet
Transientshort-lived; ephemeral
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Group 6

Aloofdistant; detached; cold
Depleteuse up; lessen
Exceptionablevery bad (something which we should object to)
Illuminateto light up or make clear
Lividvery angry
Onerousburdensome; hard to undertake
Preambleintroductory material
Sacrosanctvery holy; inviolable
Traverseto move across
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Group 7

Altruismputting others first; being self-sacrificing
Caldronhuge cooking pot
Exculpatefree someone from blame; pardon; acquit
Illusorydeceptive; false; misleading
Lobbyistperson who tries to persuade someone to support a particular cause
Precariousunstable; risky
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Group 8

Depravitymoral corruption
Execrablevery, very bad
Immoderateexcessive; extreme
Loftysnooty; arrogant; haughty
Opaquedoes not let light through
Precedenta previous occurrence used as a guide
Sagea wise person
Trinketsomething of little value; knick-knack
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Group 9

Ambiguityuncertainty; vagueness
Candidfrank; honest
Deprecatecriticize; denounce
Exegesisscholarly explanation or interpretation
Immutableunchanging; permanent
Longevitylong life
Opulentwealthy; rich; magnificent
Preceptguiding principle
Salaciouslecherous; erotic
Triteunoriginal; dull
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Group 10

Ambiguousunclear in meaning; can be interpreted in different ways
Candorfrankness; openness
Derideridicule; make fun of; mock
Exemplaryoutstandingly good; setting a fine example
Impartialunbiased; neutral
Ordain1. destine; 2. confer holy orders on a priest
Precinctdistrict of a city

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