Saturday 26 April 2014

Learning is a skill

10 Strategies Quick Learners Use 

To Pick Up Anything

Learning is a skill in itself.

To understand a problem, ask "why" five times. 
"Five Whys" technique for getting to the root of an issue.

Keep a positive attitude. 

"Anxiety precludes you from exploring real solutions and real thought patterns that will come up with solutions,

Don't just learn about it; practice it. 

Find an expert, and then ask them about their expertise.
Whenever he's trying to learn a sport, he'll seek out the nearest silver medalist, arrange for an interview, and then grill them on technique. 

Get an accountability buddy. 

experience the learning process with the same skill as you

When you don't understand, say so.

learning is very much a matter of being aware of when you're perplexed, and then following up on that perplexity. 

Repeat, repeat, repeat.

It's not so much that practice makes perfect; it just makes actions go faster.
Don't just write it out; draw it out.
"Often the best approach to solving problems and generating ideas involves a combination of words and pictures,
Learn the difficult stuff at the start of the day.

Use the 80/20 rule. 

you get 80% of your value out of 20% of work.

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